Subject: Was It Worth This?
Dear Thesis,
I'm sick of this world. I'm sick of the humans that reside in it. I'm sick of all the negativity in here. But I cannot complain. I'm the one who made them this way. I'm the one who wanted them to be flawed, to be imperfect. Because if they were perfect, would they be human? But then again, I could not create a perfect being even if I wished to. I'm not perfect myself. Then how can I create perfection? I can only strive for it. And I hate it. I hate all the hatred they’ve spread. The discriminations based on the amount of melanin in your skin, the fate that they did not choose, their sins they did not commit but have to salvage for. The burning lines between people and insecure people. The boundary between personal spaces and individuality and creativity and nature and earth and even heaven. Humans have ruined it all. They’ve gone in the complete opposite direction of which they’re supposed to embark. They harass, they kill, they rape their own. They’re more predatory than the predators we created. All of this because they’ve the ability to communicate. The ability to speak to each other. But then again, isn't that with all different creatures we made, Thesis? We made them. And we cannot stop them. For they’re their own doom, even the fates don’t have enough yarn for this in their room.
I’ve always wondered, my sweet meraki, if we were to start another age like this. To end humans and let other species prevail. Those great reptiles that humans call Dinosaurs went through the same cycle. They killed their own, but not on will. They kill to survive. So do all our other creations. Except humans. They kill for entertainment. They kill to assert dominance in domains they shouldn't be in. They speak in situations they shouldn't even be in. They have opinions about bodies that aren’t theirs, land that isn’t theirs. Recently, I learnt that humans are fighting against themselves. They’ve created continents, which are separated by the oceans. They’ve created countries, their own languages, their own cultures. They even have religions to worship different forms of me. It all seems beautiful to hear, doesn’t it? I felt the same when the messenger informed me of all this. But they have so much anger. So much anger about things they don’t even comprehend. They hate each other because of their country? It’s baffling, because out of all their divisions on this planet, this one doesn’t even make sense. Hate due to language? Language is just a medium. The birds we created and the fishes we made— they don’t even have words. Yet they seem to understand each other. And the topic that baffles me the most, religion. They call it faith. Faith in who? In us. In me. They’ve spun different stories about their existence and mine, and the truth is, it’s not wrong. They believe there is a ‘God’ above who will grant all their wishes and punish all the sins. How will they ever know that I am nothing but everything at the same time? I am a fragment of their imaginations. I am them. I am the cosmos. For I created them, and they created me.
So I let it be. All of it. Everyone brings their own doom. We brought ours when we ended the Cretaceous period. If there is one thing that nobody— and absolutely nobody can escape from, its karma. They call me God, but I too am helpless when it comes to karma. My greatest meraki, Thesis, I am so very tired. To be punished and rewarded for things humans do. I just hope, sincerely sincerely hope, that one day, humans, our birds, our fishes, the earth and the sky and the heaven— all of it gets back to the cosmos. For it began there, and will meet its end over there.
PS: I hope the Vedas and the Olympians are visiting for Christmas break? I’d love to share all the tales Muhammad told me.
Charting sidera in aeternum,